Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Days 31-34: Albany, Denmark, and Pemberton

The Stirling Ranges to the north of Albany look spectacular- but unfortunately we're running a bit low on gas as we passed through so didn't have the luxury of taking a diversion to check them out properly.

The Weather's being fickle again- on and off rain has put paid to any diving plans so we've spend the last few days checking out Albany and it's surrounds as well as getting a routine service on the car. We then headed West through Denmark (the town, not the Nordic nation, duh), which gets two thumbs up for foodie stuff (wine, cheese, chocolate, yabbies, cider amongst other goodies!).

The forests to the west of Denmark are really impressive, and as a Kiwi, I'm not normally impressed by big trees (I mean come on, compare most eucalypts to a Kauri or Rimu!), but these are pretty special. In Pemberton I climb the Gloucester tree, formerly used as a fire lookout, which is now kept open for the benefit of tourists wanting to check out the panoramic view from it's crown.