Ok so now I know why the wind dropped off- it started raining in the middle of the night and it's pretty soggy outside. luckily it's not constant so we get the car packed up quickly and head north.
The Coorong wetland stretches over 100km along the coast and the highway follows it's practically deserted edge so we make quick time. We reach lakes Albert and Alexandrina at the mouth of the Murray, which due to the weather don't look as dried out as usual, although the water level is still clearly lower than it should be. We pause in Murray Bridge for gas and to bludge the Maccas wi-fi again, then head up the Freeway to Hahndorf.
This region of Australia was settled by Germans. Despite this, the trains do not run on time (or at all, as they're closed for major trackwork). More importantly though the Germans did manage to bring one of their best cultural exports- sausages. All kinds of smoked meaty goodness is available in this region, and I stock up on mettwurst, biersticks, land jaeger and jerky. Walking down the street it gets even better when we find a whole pig on a spit roasting outside a restaurant, and it becomes perfect when I manage to blag a free trotter to nibble on! I'm in fleisch heaven...
We stop for the night at Belair, where it's still raining, so we get the tent up quickly and turn in.
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