Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 24 Ceduna

Back to civilisation after an awesome couple of days at Coffin Bay. Well actually we're in Ceduna, so civilisation is probably stretching it. A beautiful drive up the west coast of the Eyre Peninsula to get here, with some interesting sculptures on the clifftops at Streaky Bay (and an afternoon snack of a dozen of the freshest, cheapest oysters ever) but Ceduna is basically a dusty frontier town with some pretty dodgy looking inhabitants. It doesn't help that we also seem to have picked the dodgiest caravan park in town (should have realised when the manager boasted about all the security cameras they've installed for safety!).

Still a nice surprise this morning when we visit a wombat rescue centre run by a local woman, and get to meet some of her charges- the hairy-nosed wombat has to be one of the cutest animals ever.

The Thorny Devils are pretty cool too, even if they do look like something from a bad acid trip...

And now the Nullabor awaits.....

This will be the last daily blog I'll post- they've been getting more and more behind as we travel, so I'll now probably do any entry for every few days instead in an attempt to keep things more up to date.
However I've now also started a photo gallery with lots of pics from the trip, and I've also tagged each pic with a location in google maps. Check them out here , hope you enjoy 'em.

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