Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day One: Wollongong to Nelligen

So after a week on the road we're in Melbourne, I have a broadband connection at my disposal and I've finally thought up an (admittedly slightly lame) title and theme for this blog. Predictably I've been stopping regularly to take photos, and I've found that, in typically Australian fashion, the landscapes are too wide and grand to fit into a normal 4:3 35mm frame. So the panorama stitcher has been getting a workout, and the the blog has a theme of sorts.
For those who're interested in the technical stuff most of these images are taken with my trusty Canon 350D DSLR with the standard EF-S 18-55mm lens, with the odd addition from my partner's IXY 810IS compact, and the occasional quick and dirty shot taken on my iPhone 3G with the Pano application. Post processing is handled using Aperture, Hugin for panorama stitching and GIMP for any additional editing.

Day One - 11/05/2009: Wollongong to Nelligen

After packing the car in pretty miserable weather yesterday, we hit the road late morning in perfect weather and head south. We take a detour to Pebbly Beach in Murramarang National Park where this image was taken, before heading South to our first stop at Nelligen. On the way into Nelligen we detour to a local lookout with fantastic views north to Pigeon House Mountain.

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